It's that last set, that allows us to trace lineage.
Given the UUID of the output bundle, you can access lineage via the CLI.
dsdt lineage 564cfb28-14ac-412f-a09b-2a5bdb835f48
------ Lineage @ depth 0 -----
processing name: GetFeatures_2019_09_10____2016_12_01_8159b5bded
uuid: 564cfb28-14ac-412f-a09b-2a5bdb835f48
creation date: 2019-09-10 09:01:39.106816
code repo:
code hash: 2b07f8dd02bdea160481673fde6e5abb111a6ae5
code method:
git commit URL:
code branch: HEAD
Start 1568131299.0983887 Stop 1568131299.100352 Duration 0.001963376998901367
------ Lineage @ depth 1 -----
processing name: GoogTrendTurbotaxLive_2019_09_10____2016_12_01_2fdd4e0539
uuid: e57dd790-0d5b-434f-b4f8-65bbda2dfa7d
creation date: 2019-09-10 09:01:15.001553
code repo:
code hash: 2b07f8dd02bdea160481673fde6e5abb111a6ae5
code method:
git commit URL:
code branch: HEAD
Start 1568131273.2171564 Stop 1568131275.0006177 Duration 1.783461332321167
------ Lineage @ depth 1 -----
processing name: GoogTrendTurboTaxLive_2019_09_10____2016_12_01_3239f44071
uuid: a359e040-f326-4df2-9c6e-7ab3769d36dd
creation date: 2019-09-10 09:01:14.987869
code repo:
code hash: 2b07f8dd02bdea160481673fde6e5abb111a6ae5
code method:
git commit URL:
code branch: HEAD
Start 1568131273.2121537 Stop 1568131274.986895 Duration 1.7747414112091064