dsdt commit

Commit to keep a bundle around


Your local context keeps every version of your bundle. But only committed bundles may be pushed to a remote context.


usage: dsdt commit [-h] [-u UUID] [-t TAG] [bundle]


positional arguments:
  bundle                Bundle name to commit in the current context

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -u UUID, --uuid UUID  Bundle UUID to commit
  -t TAG, --tag TAG     Having a specific tag: 'dsdt rm -t committed:True -t


Commit the bonkers bundle. Print out the meta data, and see that COMMITTED is True.

$ dsdt commit bonkers
$ dsdt ls -v bonkers
NAME                	PROC_NAME           	OWNER   	DATE              	COMMITTED	UUID                                    	TAGS
bonkers             	BundleWrapperTask_bonkers_6da4eb3137	kyocum  	03-04-20 17:08:23 	True    	251f6402-90ce-4393-80bc-959f68a1baab

Last updated

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