dsdt add

Easy bundle making from the CLI (or API)


Create a bundle from a file or directory of files (recurses by default). Presents bundle as either a single file or a list of files. See api.add()


usage: dsdt add [-h] [-t TAG] bundle path_name


positional arguments:
  bundle             The destination bundle in the current context
  path_name          File or directory of files to add to the bundle

optional arguments:
  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  -t TAG, --tag TAG  Set one or more tags: 'dsdt add -t authoritative:True -t


Create a bundle from a single file README.md

$dsdt add my.bundle README.md
$dsdt ls -v
NAME                	PROC_NAME           	OWNER   	DATE              	COMMITTED	UUID                                    	TAGS
my.bundle           	BundleWrapperTask_my_bundle____e1908ea6e8	kyocum  	01-12-20 21:30:45 	False   	386f13cf-5b51-4237-b649-8549eff30004
$ dsdt cat my.bundle   

Create a bundle from a directory

$dsdt add configs $DISDAT_HOME/examples/config
$dsdt cat configs

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