dsdt dockerize

Build the container that holds your pipeline


Disdat can package your pipeline into a Docker container, wrapping up code dependencies so that it runs the same almost anywhere. For data science, this can mean packaging up feature creation, model training, and prediction into one or more containers and running those containers on a compute cluster (such as AWS Batch). Disdat gives you the ability to run your pipeline in the container through the CLI with dsdt run or with the API with disdat.api.run.

In addition to standard Python support via setuptools, the dockerizer supports Disdat pipelines that use:

  • Custom Python packages (not available via pip)

  • Linux packages via either a list of .deb packages in a deb.txt file or custom yourpkg.deb files.

  • R packages

Create a setup.py file:

In Disdat, dockerization is based on having a setup.pyfile that can be used to build a source distribution for your code (an sdist). Here is the setup.py file from our disdat-examples git repo.

from setuptools import setup, find_packages




Optional MANIFEST.in

Sometimes you need to add auxillery data to your source distribution. You can do so using a MANIFEST.in file. The disdat-examples git repo has a MANIFEST.in file you can look at as an example of how to include a spacy English-based model.

Optional Installs via the Config Directory

One can add R, Linux, and other source Python packages (sdists) to your image by creating a configuration directory. The directory can have any name (here we call it config). One places the relevant directives under $PROJECT_HOME/config/

Optional R installs

Create a file $PROJECT_HOME/config/python-3.6.8-slim/r.txt For example, this file could list MASS quantreg forecast dplyr tidyr data.table timetk lubridate as packages to install.

Optional Linux installs

List your Debian packages in a `deb.txt` like$PROJECT_HOME/config/python-3.6.8-slim/deb.txt Or you may place Debian packages directly in $PROJECT_HOME/config/python-3.6.8-slim/

Optional source Python packages

Place sdists under $PROJECT_HOME/config/python-sdist/ so that they are included in the Docker images virtual environment.


usage: dsdt dockerize [-h] [--config-dir CONFIG_DIR] [--os-type OS_TYPE]
                      [--os-version OS_VERSION] [--push] [--get-id]
                      [--sagemaker] [--no-build]


positional arguments:
  pipeline_root         Root of the Python source tree containing the user-
                        defined transform; must have a setuptools-style
                        setup.py file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --config-dir CONFIG_DIR
                        A directory containing configuration files for the
                        operating system within the Docker image
  --os-type OS_TYPE     The base operating system type for the Docker image
  --os-version OS_VERSION
                        The base operating system version for the Docker image
  --push                Push the image to a remote Docker registry (default is
                        to not push; must set 'docker_registry' in Disdat
  --get-id              Do not build, only return latest container image ID
  --sagemaker           Create a Docker image executable as a SageMaker
  --no-build            Do not build an image (only copy files into the Docker
                        build context)


Create a container without a config directory

dsdt dockerize .

Create a container with optional installs specified from a config directory

dsdt dockerize . --config-dir config

Push a container to AWS ECR without building it

Users can push Disdat Docker images to AWS Elastic Container Registry (ECR) using the --push option to the dockerize command:

dsdt dockerize . --push --no-build

To push images to Docker, the user needs to specify the registry prefix in the Disdat configuration file. We assume that the user has first followed the instructions in the AWS ECR documentation for setting up AWS credentials and profiles required to access AWS services, as the dockerizer uses the current AWS profile to determine the ECR URL and obtain Docker server authentication tokens. The user then sets the following configuration options in the Disdat configuration file in the [docker] stanza:

  • registry: Set to *ECR*.

  • repository_prefix: An optional prefix of the form a/b/[...] that

    dockerize will prepend to the image name. Given a name in the setup.py file like disdat-examples and a prefix a/b, dockerize will push

    an image named a/b/disdat-examples:latest.

Last updated